الغد و حزبه و جريدته
نشرت المصري اليوم على لسان جميلة إسماعيل يوم الخميس أن الحزب مهدد بالطرد من مقره بطلعت حرب لتعسر سداد الإيجار، كذلك أن ديون الجريدة للأهرام بلغت 600 ألف جنيه. لست عضوة في حزب الغد ...لكني أعطيت صوتي لأيمن نور في الانتخابات الماضية لإيماني بأنه أكثر المرشحين جدية، و صاحب أقوى برنامج انتخابي. ثم تابعت تفاصيل سجنه و العمل على تخريب الحزب من الداخل، حتى تراكم الديون. كذلك مهزلة حزب الوفد الأخيرة و الغباء السياسي الرهيب الذي تصرف به نعمان جمعة
هل كان جمعة ليتصرف بهذه الطريقة- وهو رجل القانون - دون أن يعطي له النظام ضوء أخضر بأن الحكاية هتعدي على خير وهيطلع منها زي الشعرة من العجينة؟ سؤال لا أجد له إجابة. و بغض النظر عن نوع المبادئ التي تسمح لعميد سابق لكلية الحقوق أن يتصرف بهذا القدر من البلطجة، و بغض النظر عن وجود ضوء أخضر من عدمه، فمن الواضح أن المستفيد الأول مما حدث هو النظام. فمع وجود أقوى مرشحين ضد الرئيس مبارك في" الانتخابات" الماضية في السجن، تصدق كل ادعاءات عدم النضج والديمقراطية بجرعات و الحرية بقطّارة و مفيش حد يقدر يتحمل المسئولية الكبيرة و الريس لو كان شاف حد ينفع كان سابها له...إلخ
نرجع لحزب الغد و أزمته... إذا كان النظام بيلعب استغماية مع الأحزاب الشرعية ويصفي حسابات قديمة معها فلا أعتقد أن دورنا كأفراد يتلخص في المشاهدة و التحسر. تجربة الغد بالذات و ما تميزت به من طموح و جرأة وشباب و حلم لا يجب أن تموت. لا أدافع هنا عن الحزب كحزب أو عن أيمن نور كشخص، و لكن عن القدرة على الحلم و دخول معركة صعبة من أجل تحقيق هذا الحلم. أتحدث عن مقال عمرو خفاجي "متى يصل الخيال إلى السلطة؟" ، أتحدث عن جرأة الحزب في وضع صورة رئيسه كصورة خامسة بجانب صور رؤساء مصر أيام الحملة الانتخابية، أتحدث عن معركة غير متكافئة بين حزب و نظام
حسب النتائج الرسمية المعلنة انتخب نصف مليون مصري أيمن نورمرشح حزب الغد في" الانتخابات" الماضية...ربما أكثر بالطبع. إذا ساهم كل صوت بجنيه واحد سيتم سداد نصف مليون جنيه من المبلغ على الأقل. ما اقترحه هو بدء حملة شعبية لجمع المبلغ، وعلى الحزب أن يوفر حساب معين في بنك أو وسيلة لتلقي التبرعات في مقره - وهذا ما أرسلت لهم بشأنه. لتكن حملة جنيه واحد لكل صوت، جنيه يدفعه أصحاب الأصوات و ليس المرشحون..ولتكن حملة ضد الخوف و القمع
At 4/09/2006 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think Ayman Nour is just being made to look like a hero.
I can not trust him. Can he explain from where exactly did he get his PhD. I looked at his website, there nothing to point out where did he get his PhD. Besides, he is supposed to belong to the middle class, please explain how come, he is at the age of 40 has his big house and expensive car.
I am not trying to say that this government is any better, but I am asking the people to think for a second.
Are we substituting a dictator by a another
At 4/10/2006 3:03 AM,
arabesque said…
thanks a lot for replying
I would just like to over-emphasize one point here. I am not defending Ayman Nour as aperson; I am defending a youthful experience that I like, admitting that Nour is its spirit.
The last presidential elections were to be the most redicilous farce, we have ever seen. Well, it was a farce, but not that redicilous because of Nour, and that is why the regime really hates him and wants so much to make an example of him. This is why I really do sympathize with him and refuse to just sit watching what is going to happen next.
Besides, and you may agree with me, I believe that we are the creators of our demons and dictators by being so submissive. Mubarak would not become such a dictator if we weren't so negligent about our rights.
Plus, I agree so much with "Whynot" that we are all fallible human beings. There are no angels on earth. The most important thing is to be aware of this while defending somebody or attacking them. This prevents us from imparting sacred halos on chiefs and presidents in general.
Nour is a politician who made some mistakes; fine, but in this battle against the regime, surely I take his side.
At 4/10/2006 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why not is a very lame rational for getting a president to 80 million population nation.
Besides, mistakes can be done, but this is fraud, fraud means loss of integrity.
Sorry, I can not take those excuses.
80 millions deserve better than that, are we meant to be stuck with pre-determined options ?
And if we are capable of getting the current dictator out of office, it should not be hard to get a better president.
I do not have anything personal against Nour, but I am against lowering the standards for lame excuses
At 4/10/2006 11:06 PM,
arabesque said…
Well I agree with you that we should not lower our standards after so many years of oppression and that fraud means lack of integrity. However, this means that we need to know the truth about convicting Nour, whether he is really guilty or this case is faked against him for political reasons.
And I am talking here about this particular case, not his history. Plus and most important, I am not preaching that Nour is our future choice. On the contrary, I said clearly that I take his side in "this battle", by which I mean this intense desire of the regime to make an example of him to guarantee that nobody would follow his route. I believe this is one battle to be fought not for Nour, but against the fostering of fear in our country.
At 4/10/2006 11:36 PM,
El3en Elsehrya said…
For why not.
About the wealth thing of Ayman Nour, yes he was not a minister, but yes also he was an MP "Member of Parliament" which is intensly related to multiple pathways that can be sources for questionable money.
You have not answer the question, where did his money come from ?
U can not answer the question by it is not from bribes, I want to know where does it come from, not where it Does NOT come from. is this clear ?
I am with his cause to be released from his prison, I think his prison makes him a poliical hero which I am not sure that he deserve or not.
So, in the battle of his release, I am with his release along with all other prisoner in similar issues.
In the battle of freedom of Egyptian people, I am with kicking out the president from the office and also with allowing complete transparency of all political figures in the current political scene
At 4/11/2006 1:43 PM,
وحشتينا جدا ً جدا ً جدا ً ووحشنا قلمك و فعلا ً مفتقدينك في علّي صوتك
بخصوص إقتراحك فأنا رأي أن لو كل مواطن أتبرع بجنية علشان مستشفى سرطان الأطفال حايكون احسن ,, لأن ده الحلم أللى بجد محتاجين أنه مايموتش
أرابيسك ،، أيمن نور مش حلم مصر ،، و حزب الغد مش هو الكيان أللى نخاف أنه ينهار أو يقع لخلافات على المصالح داخل الحزب كان أولها و المتسبب فيها هو ايمن نور نفسه
أنتي عارفة أني مش من حزب الحكومة و ابعد ما أكون عن تقمص دور الدفتع عنها إنما زى ما انا معارض للحكومة فأنا كمان معارض لحزب الغد
الحلم في أدين الناس و عقولهم
الحلم جواهم موجود في جزورهم
ولا حد ممكن يكون من الناس إلاّ
لو كان صحيح رابط مصيره بمصيرهم
سعيد جدا ً أنك رجعتي تكتبي تاني في البلوج و اتمنى أنك تقدرى تكتبي في علّي صوتك من تاني
At 4/13/2006 3:01 AM,
arabesque said…
king tooooot
ما تتخيلش فرحتي بتعليقك كبيرة ازاي :) وانتم كمان وحشتوني جدا في "علّي صوتك". تعرف أنا كمان مبسوطة جدا إني رجعت للمدونة...يبدو إن النوع ده من التواصل أصبح لا غنى عنه
بص ماعنديش مانع أدفع 2 جنيه واحد للمستشفى وواحد لحزب الغد. الحكاية مش حكاية أيمن نور أو إنه حلم البلد الجاي إنما حكاية إجراء ضد دولة القمع و الطغيان اللي احنا عايشين فيها و ضد محاولاتهم المستميتة لإرهاب الشعب و كل التجارب الجريئة - وحتى غير الجريئة زي حزب الوفد كده- و الرغبة في التشفي ناس لعبت بره الحدود المرسومة لها
عموما أنا واثقة لو قعدنا نتناقش مش هنخرج مختلفين كتير:)
At 4/17/2006 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Freedom Lover
First I wanna congratulate you dear for reactivating this blog coz it’s really putting hot issues on the carpet of discussion .I totally agree with you that ppl should support anybody who stands his own views defying the autocrat and saying “No” very loudly . No matter who is he , I don’t care whether he’s Islamic or liberal ,communist or socialist …the only thing I m concerned is how far he’s honest and straightforward .Mr.Nour has proved a charismatic and strong character , appeared as a real competitor to the “God-like ruler” whose mentality can’t accept being honestly rivaled by others this is why the elections were faked and fabricated .The political scene is crystal-clear now i.e. all the political parties are being destroyed from within – which is the old-new game played by all regimes to make ppl think that those parties are not even worth the votes you gave , they are not more than a gang of authority-hunters , all fighting to sit on “the magic chair”of power starting with Ayman Nour and ending with Al-Wafd not to mention the attempts to weaken the Muslim Brothership as much as possible .However , it should be kept in mind that “ The road of freedom is not strewn with flowers” .
At 4/18/2006 6:07 PM,
Little Sesame said…
sir anonymous, Ayman belong to rich family here in Mansoura
it is easy to have a Ph D in one year
At 4/18/2006 9:59 PM,
El3en Elsehrya said…
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At 4/18/2006 10:01 PM,
El3en Elsehrya said…
It is easy to get PhD in one year.
What the hell is this.
What kind of PhD u r talking about.
Are u talking to people form the moon.
I am not trying to show up, but I do have a PhD from Ain Shams Univerity and I am preparing a PhD in the USA now.
PhD in one year is non sense.
The proposition only of the subject and the literature review consumes more than that.
Beside , all respectable univerities have a minimum timeline for the PhD, moreover there is a minimum number of credit hours that u need to finish before defending your thesis.
Finally, if he wants us to settle down and if he wants to prove his integrity, he just can mention what university did he get the PhD from and what was the title of his thesis.
U yourself can go to the websit I will mention down, it is called crap, crap means " Zebala" it symbolises the crap that actually people buys. From that crap u will find degrees online, u can purchase a PhD for about 200 USD.
I guess this is the only PhD that u can get in a year
At 6/08/2006 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 7/22/2006 5:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
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